March 29, 2010

Listen to Dan Auerbach's "Goin' home".

March 27, 2010

Ryguy comes home TOMORROW

March 25, 2010

My friends are starting to get back from their missions which is blowwwingg my mind. It brings me back to freshman year. That really was so fun. I miss it, but mostly I just miss Dining Plus and a constant supply of vitamin water and choco tacos.

There's some highlights. I literally don't look any different. Gahh

March 24, 2010

...some wise words from BXRMash. I've never been a fan of typing in ALL CAPS. Look what happens when you do. Although, I think going along with the no caps rule, multiple exclamation points should NOT be allowed either ("flame war!!!"?). PS, single words can be capitalized for emphasis. That's allowed.
Don't ask why I was looking up the lyrics to Jefferson Starship's "We Built This City", but I was. I'm kind of on a lame 80's music kick right now. Apparently this song is one of the worst songs ever recorded. Some people get really heated about it. I stumbled upon some gems when reading the comments. Enjoy:

Todd Lake, you are wise beyond your years.

March 22, 2010

Well this would be a cheap alternative to the real thing. Amanda Wachob does some cool tattoos with distilled water instead of ink, so eventually they just fade away.

"A tattoo executed with distilled water instead of ink is called a 'bloodline'. The lack of pigment renders the marking impermanent. An ideographic shape carries thought and stands for something beyond itself. It is intended that as your body heals the mark, the symbol's energies are absorbed."

Neat-oooo. If you're interested, she charges $100 for these. I already asked. You just have to travel to NYC to get it done. Road trip?

March 18, 2010

It's embarrassing how many times I've listened to this in the past three days. Such a beautiful song though. Mom you will loo0o0ve it.

March 17, 2010

Happy Wednesday & St. Patrick's Day

March 16, 2010

nicholas lorden

March 14, 2010

one of my kids WILL play the cello

March 13, 2010

if you know where these are from, you are equally as dorky as I am.

March 11, 2010

I'm fairly certain an earthquake is coming to Provo. First, our RS president felt "very strongly" that she needed to give us safety tips on surviving an earthquake (I still have NO idea how the 'triangle of safety' is any safer than anywhere else). Ducks have been appearing on campus. Two confused deer were leaping around the JKB parking lot tonight with all the traffic (k, hilarious). Animals acting strange = foreshadowing natural disaster. And no lie: black cats have crossed my path twice the last two days. It's gonna happen! Or not.

March 10, 2010

Weird, someone said this exact thing to me today. Too bad BYU doesn't have a spring break. Tragic. But really BYU, whyyyyy. A break would be much appreciated right about now.

March 9, 2010

(click to enlarge). haha, love you mom.

March 8, 2010

Does listening to Simon & Garfunkel, John Denver, and Queen at work make Aly and I weird? Some co workers might think so, but we don't think so. (this picture might though)
ps I am loving David in the back.

March 7, 2010

So I volunteered at the Hunger Banquet this past weekend, and it was awesome (thanks Stace and Aly for getting me involved). The Hunger Banquet is used to raise awareness of the severe poverty around the world and inspire students to help those in need. All proceeds go to local non profits. We had an amazing speaker, Martin Burt, from Paraguay talk to us about our responsibility to help the less fortunate. He reminded us that as humans, we are all the same, some of us were just "born in the right zip code". We are so blessed to live in the United States; we have so many opportunities that others don't. It is our responsibility to help those who don't have the means to help themselves. He told us that "we can be pioneers in helping others find their own personal zion".

Last year at this time I was preparing for my summer in Uganda. I have nothing to prepare for this summer, except a few months in Utah (blah). Uganda was such an amazing experience because literally all we did was serve all day everyday, and I wish I could be doing something like that this summer. But then I start thinking back to when one of our friends in Uganda, Kizza, asked us, "Do poor people exist in America?" When we answered "yes" he was very surprised and asked, "Well do you help them the way you help us?" This really stuck with me. Sometimes I feel like we feel the need to travel the world just to help other people. We forget about all the people here, in our own zip code, that need help too. So yeah it's kind of disappointing that I'm not going anywhere "exciting" this summer, but there is plenty to do here too.

March 6, 2010

all we hear is radio blah blah

March 4, 2010

Accidentally called Uganda "home" yesterday.
I miss that place.
bring on the wind let it blow let it blow let it blow

March 2, 2010

National Geographic, August 1978

Hahaha. I love this woman.

March 1, 2010

See this movie!