November 10, 2011

"When I'm 80 years old and sitting in my rocking chair, I'll be reading Harry Potter. And my family will say to me, 'After all this time?' And I will say, 'Always.'" - Alan Rickman

Snape has such a big heart. :)

November 9, 2011

Can't stop won't stop listening to this song.

November 8, 2011

..too far?

November 7, 2011

Lorenzo Snow on hunting: "While moving slowly forward in pursuit of something to kill, my mind was arrested with the reflection on the nature of my pursuit--that of amusing myself by giving pain and death to harmless, innocent creatures that perhaps had as much right to life and enjoyment as myself. I realized that such indulgence was without any justification, and feeling condemned, I laid my gun on my shoulder, returned home, and from that time to this have felt no inclination for that murderous amusement." !!!

Baby, where'd you get your body from? I got it from my mama.

November 2, 2011

Omg. I LOVED this song circa 1998. Would it be my fault if I could turn you on? Dang, Merril Bainbridgeeeeeeeee.